So we've just begun this blog and already we've decided to take it in a new direction. Although we cook almost everyday, we found that we weren't photographing and blogging about our basic meals. So we decided to spice things up a bit. We will continue to post the random leftover creations and new recipes throughout, but now that we have a direction for the blog, we'll work a little harder to make sure our pictures and posts actually make it on there.
The other day I came across a couple's blog dedicated to re-creating recipes from their massive cooking magazine collection/subscriptions. We don't receive any magazine subscriptions, but we do have quite a large cook book collection (that continues growing, thanks to my mom's generosity). Since it's about time they got some use and since I can't get enough of other blogs and the Food Network, we decided to us them to create a new game for ourselves. Each of these categories (cookbooks, food blogs, Food Network) has been assigned a number set: 1/4-Cook Books, 2/5-Food Blogs, 3/6-Food Network. We'll let a simple little dice, and the help of a random number generator found at to determine our stomachs' fate...
Each category has it's own set of rules:
Cook Books - If the die lands on 1 or 4, we'll let tell us which cookbook to use (we have a total of 40, so far) counting from left to right. Once the book is chosen, we will input the number of pages into the generator, and the resulting page number will be our launching point. Multiple recipes on one pages means we get to have a choice in the matter :-)
Food Blogs - If the die lands on 2 or 5, we'll follow the same principle as with the cookbooks and We have our favorite blog sites numbered in a spreadsheet and then we'll either break the recipes down by alphabetical order or use the creator's category list. (Shorty wants to simply create the blog's most recent recipe, but I want more diversity.)
Food Network - If the die lands on 3 or 6, we get to watch TV!!! Just kidding...but this is, in my opinion, the most difficult option. will select a number from between 9 and 24 to determine from which time slot we must pick a recipe. (Early AM on the Food Network is normally used for paid programming and other silly infomercials, so we've left out the time slots 1am-8am). Once a slot has been decided, we'll skip ahead to the next occurrence of that time slot on the cable listings, and see what's on the menu. If two half-hour cooking shows happen to fall into that slot, then we get lots of options! We can pick any one of the recipes being made on either show. If a one-hour show, like Iron Chef or Chopped fall there, we'll challenge ourselves to create a new recipe with "today's secret ingredient." However, if a show such as Ace of Cakes or Unwrapped is on we'll skip to the next day's options since those types of shows don't lend themselves to this type of game.
We're both excited about this new idea and have already made our first selections. We decided that Shorty and I would both play separately to increase the fun and recipe opportunities. So look for a new post tomorrow detailing today's cooking adventures, and hopefully excluding any reports of visits to the local hospital! Now lets get cooking!!!
Love it!!! I have been looking for something to be passionate about to blog since watching Julie and Julia. I have no passion right now but I'm on the hunt for one at this time. Stay tuned and I will fill you in on the details soon. In the meantime, I thoroughly love your website!! I'm impressed, shouldn't be but am. You are creative genius' the two of you. Love ya and look forward to following this blog!