Okay, as many of you may have noticed, we have never featured beef on this site. Even though I love vegetarian dishes, neither of us is a vegetarian, as should be apparent by the chicken and fish dishes we have featured. So here's the deal... I'm allergic to beef. Yup, you heard me right. My body can't process it. I can hear your gasps of disbelief, but it's true. I'm from Texas and I can't eat cow. To make it even weirder, I worked on a ranch in my early 20s as an honest to God cowboy. I worked the cows all day, but I couldn't eat them.

Wait, wait, don't go away!! We will do our best to accommidate all types of eaters here at Scrumdeliocious. I said that "I" would never make a beef dish, but Shorty LOVES beef. He makes beef dishes regulary, I just don't eat with him. So if you're a beef lover, just be patient. I'm sure Shorty will find a way to sneak something up here soon enough. In fact, the image is from his most recent evening with his best friend. They had a sudden hankering for steak and eggs so they grilled up a man sized portion of beef and fried up three eggs each. My arteries hurt just looking at it, but he swears it was delicious.
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