Rediscover Leftover: Guinness Beer

Shorty's cake recipe didn't use as much of the Guinness Beer as we had anticipated so we had leftovers.  Although he likes beer, he's not much into the dark lagers and I'm not into beer at all.  We couldn't just toss it aside, though, so we decided to have some fun and make Irish Car Bombs.  I had only had them once before so I was definitely game for the adventure.

Shorty dug out the Irish Cream and poured a couple of shots.  The remainder of the Guinness was poured into two pint glasses.  Each ended up being about half full. (Hey, I'm an optimist at heart!)  The object here is to drop the shot glass full of Irish Cream into the pint full of Guinness and then slam the resulting concoction.  Shorty swears they taste like beery chocolate milk.  I didn't notice a flavor as much as a texture.  The drink was smooth, like the beer, initially and then creamy once everything mixed.  In the end, it definitely added a little zaniness to our cooking experience.


  1. I have so many friends who like Irish Car Bombs, but I cannot seem to grasp the appeal of anything you have to chug fast or else it curdles...


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